It happens all too frequently. You misplaced your college diploma and are now looking for a college diploma replacement. It happened even though you were certain of its specific location or the location in which your mother put it after graduation.
How and why do university graduates seem to experience this so frequently?
The basic issue is that most students fail to consider the true value of that precious piece of paper. The likelihood of losing or destroying your college diploma is rather significant if it is not immediately framed in UV-protective, archival-quality glass.
Fortunately, getting a college diploma replacement is an option. All you gotta do is follow the right procedure and show some patience with it.
Situations that Lead to the Need for a College Diploma Replacement

Have you given much thought to the commitment you have made to your college education? Not only in terms of the tens of thousands of dollars you've spent (or the amount of student loan debt you owe), but also in terms of the endless hours of study time, the years of family sacrifice, and the blood, sweat, and tears that went into obtaining each grade.
You'll soon understand that the diploma you received at graduation is truly exceptional and priceless when you consider the full expense of your education.
This revelation may increase the stress of the "Ohh, I need a college diploma replacement now!" moment. But it also acts as a warning to safeguard your degree before there is the risk of it getting misplaced in the shuffle.
Show Some Love to Your College Degree
Your college diploma is one of the most important documents you'll ever possess, it bears repeating. Therefore, as soon as you receive it in the mail, you should keep it safe and secure. College diplomas, professional certificates, and university awards are important paper papers that can easily be misplaced during an apartment or workplace transfer or damaged by water damage, or fire in your house.
Carelessness and inappropriate storage are likely the two main causes of people needing
. The majority of students are unaware that leaving their diploma in its original packaging, such as its cardboard tube or plastic diploma holder, can result in permanent harm.Your diploma's cellulose will gradually be eaten away by the acids in these storage containers, turning the delicate paper yellow, making it brittle, and eventually cracking. This is why it's crucial to store your degree securely within museum-quality framing materials that adhere to the strict standards for document preservation set out by the Library of Congress!
How to Obtain a College Diploma Replacement?

No matter when or how you misplaced your
, , or , you should act right away to get a college diploma replacement. But how can one replace a misplaced college degree or diploma? Simply adhere to these handy instructions to obtain a college diploma replacement from your alma mater.Connect with the registrar's office at the college or university you attended
The registrar's office is in charge of keeping track of class schedules, maintaining student records and transcripts, and enrolling new students in courses. Meeting all requests for replacements and copies of diplomas is one of their main duties.
Find the registrar's office's contact information on your school's website, or call the main number and ask to be connected to their department, to reach your alma mater's registrar's office. After a few more steps, they will be able to manage to mail you a college diploma replacement after looking into your specific case.
Submit the request by yourself
Student records have been safeguarded and kept private ever since the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) was passed in 1974. You are the only person who can formally request access to your academic records; family members or spouses are not permitted.
But if you're a deceased alumnus or alumna wishing to replace their diploma, you can do so provided you're their next of kin or the executor of their estate. You will likely need to submit a request along with a photocopy of your driver's license or passport, evidence of your relationship to the deceased (such as a copy of your birth certificate or a mention of your name in the obituary), the student's death certificate, and a notarized copy of the Letter of Appointment of Executor or Power of Attorney, although the precise requirements will vary depending on the university.
Pay a substantial fee
Despite the fact that each institution and university has its own unique set of regulations, you'll probably have to pay a fee to get a college diploma replacement. Depending on the institution and the degree you're replacing, the cost for a new diploma can range from $25 to $150. This is just another reason why it's crucial to make every effort to avert the necessity for a replacement diploma in the first place.
Only consent forms that are dated and signed will be processed.
When requesting a replacement diploma, a signed and dated request is necessary because the majority of schools are FERPA compliant. You can eliminate Identity theft and fraud with this approach. On most school websites, you can find online applications for replacement diplomas in the registrar's office section. Usually, this is a PDF that you may print from your computer, fill out by hand, and mail to the registrar of your alma mater. Typical requests can be:
- Date of birth
- Social Security number
- College or university's name
- Date of graduation
- degree or course name
- current postal address
- a sworn declaration signed by the notary stating that the applicant has lost the diploma
Although the procedure for getting a new diploma may appear tiring, it is crucial to guarantee that this significant document reaches the correct individuals.
Find out if you need a Notary
Some specifications could be more inclusive or restrictive than the ones listed above. You may need to notarize the application request form or some of your other documents as well. You can make the appointment with a notary at a UPS location. Find a nearby UPS location that provides certified notary public services by searching online.
The procedure will probably take some time.
On average, it should take anywhere from four to six weeks. While some schools may take up to 10 weeks to send you your college diploma replacement.
The signatures on your new diploma may differ.
The replacement degree will state the year of graduation. But it might also include the signatures of the faculty members still there with the institution.
Keeping Your Diploma Safe
Don't take any chances. Frame your replacement diploma as soon as you find it!
With a college diploma frame, you can proudly display your academic success at your home or place of business while also protecting it from accidental harm. As the diploma is in a frame, you're also less likely to miss it during a relocation or while moving things to a storage facility.
What if you Require the College Diploma Replacement Immediately?
It may be possible that your employers want to see your college diploma right away. Besides, you may have to submit the document for higher education on a specified date. So, given that the above mentioned procedure would take its own time, you can also opt for college diploma replacement services by Quick Diplomas.
We have a wide list of college diploma templates and samples in our kitty. So, you can always choose the right one for your college diploma replacement needs. Besides, you can submit your own customized requirements. And our designers would come up with the best copy as per your requirements. So, don't delay it any further. Go grab your college diploma replacement now!